If you were wondering what Paramount Pictures would do next with the G.I. JOE film franchise, you might have been expecting a major reboot, or perhaps a spinoff that isn’t directly connected to the previous films. Instead we’re getting a prequel of sorts, dealing with the origins of one of the team’s most popular characters. SNAKE EYES: G.I. JOE ORIGINS takes us back to the beginning of the typically silent character’s origin story, and puts Henry Golding (CRAZY RICH ASIANS) in the lead as the title character. This is a film that will undoubtedly rub some fans the wrong way as it very much strays from the character’s previously established origin stories in some pretty big ways. But I am happy to see Golding in a leading role in a big movie like this, so hopefully the end result will be good. Directed by Robert Schwentke (RED), the cast also includes Andrew Koji as Storm Shadow, Úrsula Corberó as The Baroness, Samara Weaving as Scarlett, Haruka Abe as Akiko, Tahehiro Hira as Kenta, and Iko Uwais as Hard Master. Check out the new trailer below, and a featurette, and tell us your thoughts in the comments.
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins stars Henry Golding as Snake Eyes, a tenacious loner who is welcomed into an ancient Japanese clan called the Arashikage after saving the life of their heir apparent. Upon arrival in Japan, the Arashikage teach Snake Eyes the ways of the ninja warrior while also providing something he’s been longing for: a home. But, when secrets from his past are revealed, Snake Eyes’ honor and allegiance will be tested – even if that means losing the trust of those closest to him.