Interview with STAR WARS/INDIANA JONES sketch card artist KATIE COOK!

Interview with STAR WARS/INDIANA JONES sketch card artist KATIE COOK!

Katie Cook is a machine. She’s a robot from the future, sent to the past to school us on how its done. When I first discovered her work, many words came to my mind: Original. Playful. Cute. Strong. I’ve never seen her give anything less than 110% on anything she’s done from a mini drawing she sells at the cons, to full commissions all the way to her much sought after trading card sketches. Each piece of art she does is infused with so much fun and playfulness and everything she touches reflects her unique personality. And the best part is that she’s only begun to fight! She’s coming out, guns blazing with new adventures on the horizon. She’s not simply another one of those sketch card artists. She’s an enigma. Inhuman. A pure machine. I had the opportunity to chat with her and pick her brain about her work, her influences and what lies ahead including Star Wars cards, a children’s book and a Fraggle Rock comic!

Q: Lets start basic. Who are you and what do you do?

A: My name is katie cook! I’m a freelance illustrator, comic artist and toy designer!

Q: When did you realize you wanted to be an artist?

A: I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I was telling my parents that I wanted to be a cartoonist since pre-school.

Q: How did you develop your style?

A: It’s something that has come around gradually over the years. I didn’t really develop it intentionally, it’s just become how I draw!

Q: Growing up on a steady diet of Muppets and Star Wars as you did, how do you think thats shaped your style?

A: I think the muppets shaped my sense of humor that I try and put into everything. Loving Star Wars just made me want to draw wookies.

Q: Do you ever feel that artist’s curse, in feeling insecure in your work and want to change it? If you do feel that insecurity, how do you change it to create the best possible headspace for you to do what you do?

A: Every artist should feel this way every day. The second  you’re happy with your work and stop nit-picking it… it’s the day you stop challenging yourself to push yourself to the next step! So go ahead, be a little insecure! It’ll make you push yourself that much harder.

Q: What comics did you read when you were young? And what do you read now?

A: I was an Archie kid (hey, i was a girl!). I devoured anything Archie. That Dan DeCarlo style just facinated me as a kid. I also read a LOT of the newspaper comic strips. I loved Foxtrot, Luanne and Calvin and Hobbes. Right now, I’ll read anything I can get my grubby little hands on. I have over a hundred webcomics bookmarked, I have a pull list at my comic shop, I have a list of trades I can’t wait for and I still love keeping up with the newspaper strips. (online, of course) 😉

Q: Other than obviously Star Wars and the like, what influences you? Who are your artistic/creative heroes?

A: Jim Henson was one of my biggest heroes as a kid. I still get a little weepy whenever I realize I’ll never get to meet him!

Q: What TV/Movies are you into currently?

A: I adore the TV show “Chuck”. Other than that and “Top Chef”, I have a love/hate relationship with TV. I love to veg out in front of the TV… but anything that could cancel a show like “Pushing Daises” makes me want to never turn the thing on for fear that I’ll fall in love with another thing that’s canceled before it’s prime.

Q: Can you tell me your top 5 CDs of all time?

A: Most of them are probably David Bowie… or a soundtrack by John Williams. I have so much music, it’s hard for me to pick out just 5 CDs. Besides, CDs will be obsolete in 5 years.

Q: What are you currently working on?

A: I’m working on a script for the new Fraggle comic, some sketch cards for the TOPPS Star Wars Galaxy 5 card set, some cards for the Rittenhouse Marvel 70th anniversary card set, a children’s book for Harper Collins, and stuff I can’t even talk about!

Q: What do you think of the industry right now? Both in Cards and Comics?

A: I think I’m ready to be a bigger part of both of them 😉

Q: You maintain a very entertaining blog, Twitter and Facebook page. Is this essential for running your business? or just a means to keep you sane?

A: It’s a little of both. I let off steam, tell jokes and post picture on my many online presences. It’s fun for me and it helps my fan base keep up with me and my goings on!

Q: Any horrific convention stories?

A: I’ve been asked out on dates by some very creepy people… several of who were well aware I’m married.

Q: What was your oddest commission request?

A: Han Solo and Harry Potter making out… I didn’t draw it.

Q: Are you a collector? If so, of what?

A: I collect artwork of Wonder Woman and Where the Wild Things are. I also collect Muppet replicas and puppets, Star Wars maquettes and vintage robots.

Q: What makes your job the best on the planet?

A: I get to draw all day with a cat in my lap… what could be better?

Q: Did you have any day jobs before doing artwork?

A: Designing toys and kids’ craft projects! I’ve never had to grow up.

Q: What keeps you motivated?

A: Paying my mortgage.

Q: What would you like to be known for?

A: Doing something that inspires the next generation of cartoonists.

Q: Lastly, and the big one you get a million times: Any advice for anyone starting out?

A: DRAW EVERY DAY. Practice practice practice.

Katie has the best cat name I’ve ever heard! (IPOD! Its a white cat with a grey spot. No joke!) Visit Katie Cooks’ website:

For more from the Author of this article, please visit his website at:

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About the Author

Raised primarily in central Michigan all his life, Adam is a successful writer, artist and self publisher. He is best known for his comics: PLEASANT LIFE, THE EXPENDABLES, WISE INTELLIGENCE and the upcoming ANNA POCOLYPSE. He also wrote a free online how to book called "IN THE TRENCHES: HOW TO SURVIVE AS A SMALL PRESS COMIC BOOK PUBLISHER." He also has done some pinup work for ANTARCTIC PRESS and logo designs for many other clients. He has been featured on web sites, newspapers, television and magazines talking about his work and travels around the country promoting it. He resides in Southwest Michigan.