Retro Reviews ‘DEATH PROOF’ Dir. Quintin Tarantino

DEATH PROOF – Quintin Tarantino (1/2 of “GRINDHOUSE)

I missed seeing GRINDHOUSE when it was in theaters and I am completely pissed that I did. GRINDHOUSE was a homage to the 1970’s theater goer experience of seeing a couple crappy D movie/expolitation films late night at a $1.00 theater with the worst movies and trailers imaginable. But, for fans of those things (like myself), we’d eat it up.

Problem is, no one went to this movie. Despite they were getting a double dose of Quinton and Robert Rodreiguez. It was sure to be an experience sadly lacking in today’s theater going experience. The film made barely $15 mil, well below the estimated $30 mil it took to make it. So whats a backing company to do? Weinsten Company that paid for the film realized that the movie bombed at the box office and decided for DVD release, they’d seperate the two movies and do two seperate DVD releases. Perhaps to make their money back. No one knows what a GRINDHOUSE cinema is anymore. But they do know Tarantino when they see the name. So this offers us up first: DEATH PROOF.

It’s actually two different segments in one movie, each being quite different from the other in terms of themes, and style. the first is like the 70’s exploitation film with style and look. The film is faded with scratches and hair marks and even clipped scenes. I understand for this DVD however, several scenes were put back in to pad out the movie…. including an extended LAP DANCE scene. the other part is clean and looks like it was shot yesterday. Why the style change? I don’t know. I’d rather it have stayed in that style throughout the whole thing. Perhaps Tarantino thought the audience would get bored with both directors of GRINDHOUSE fucking with people’s heads. Not sure. but I think he made the wrong choice.

The film stars Kurt Russell as a movie stuntman with a rigged car made for movies. In each segment he stalks a group of girls and of course once people are in their cars, DEATH ensues. Other than that, you get groups of people talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking. and LOTS, I mean, LOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTSSSSSS of foot shots. Its obvious that Tarantino has a foot fetish. (Pulp Fiction’s Foot massage speech and Uma’s feet shown a lot. Kill bill has a plethora of foot shots as well.) Which is okay. but man… wow. Seems this film has a lot of girls in small tight shorts and shirts as well, spouting our “Tarantinoesqe” vulgarity filled dialog.

Some shots I liked. In segment two, there is a 10-15 minute converstation all taking place at a diner that is ONE TAKE. No cuts. I like that stuff. the faded and aged film look I enjoyed, segment one only. Another thing I noticed is the mondo amounts of homages to other Tarantino films. Look closely at the jukebox songs. the color of the second segment girls’ car is yellow with black stripes. And the cell phone ring is the tune Darrl Hannah whistles in the hospital. there is a reference to Big Kahuna Burger too. There are many more, but I’ll let you pick them out.

Mostly, I liked the film. although, I’d say personally that its not Tarantino’s best. I was more into the spirit of being taking back to watching 70’s exploitation, but he jumped the ship somewhere along the line and made it a modern look. It took me out of the spirit of it. The scenes and scenes of people talking with nothing much interesting to say really got played out. You spend so much time with someone and then they are gone quickly as they came. Its frustrating. but the first segment is cool. the final 20 minutes of segment two are awesome. A testament to GIRL POWER!

Once major plus is ZOE BELL, a girl who mostly up till now has done stunt work for ZENA, KILL BILL, etc. She gets a full acting role – a testament to a director who takes care of the people he likes. Kurt Russell does the most he can with his role. It ain’t completely memorable, but not forgetful either.

All in all it tries to be fun, but comes up short. It was an okay watch. I’d rather have had the whole GRINDHOUSE experience. Maybe I would feel better about it.

GRADE: 4 girls kicking the crap out of Kurt Russell out of 5

Kudo points to a great soundtrack… as always.

(UPDATE: The complete GRINDHOUSE is coming to BR in October 2010!!!)

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About the Author

Raised primarily in central Michigan all his life, Adam is a successful writer, artist and self publisher. He is best known for his comics: PLEASANT LIFE, THE EXPENDABLES, WISE INTELLIGENCE and the upcoming ANNA POCOLYPSE. He also wrote a free online how to book called "IN THE TRENCHES: HOW TO SURVIVE AS A SMALL PRESS COMIC BOOK PUBLISHER." He also has done some pinup work for ANTARCTIC PRESS and logo designs for many other clients. He has been featured on web sites, newspapers, television and magazines talking about his work and travels around the country promoting it. He resides in Southwest Michigan.