There were a few WWF games for the Super Nintendo system. I would say that this one is the best one of the available titles. WWF Royal Rumble was released for the Super Nintendo in July of 1993. It was developed by Acclaim and distributed by LJN, a subsidiary of Acclaim. The game contains 12 characters and all of them have their own unique trademark moves and music.
The graphics throughout WWF Royal Rumble are quite good for the time. The in-game characters look great, quite a few of them resemble their real-life counterparts. You can play old school wrestlers such as “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, Bret “Hitman” Hart, “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig, The Undertaker, Macho Man Randy Savage and others.
The controls are simple. “A” controls kick, “B” punches, “X” grapples and “Y” runs. Also use the R & L buttons to do illegal choke and eye gouge moves. But only if the ref is not there or is knocked out. While grappling, you must tap one of those buttons extremely fast to do a special move such as a body slam, atomic drop, etc. This is where the game gets frustrating. The computer will often prompt you to grapple and if you are both at the same strength level, you will just be pushing back and forth. Out of boredom and frustration, you’ll just stop tapping the buttons and let the computer do a move on you, just to get free of the grapple.
While running, you can do a variety of great moves like a dropkick, clothesline or a hiptoss. But watch out that you don’t get too close to the ropes or your opponent can grab you and toss you out of the ring with your momentum. This is to be avoided in the Royal Rumble set up, where the rules are if you are tossed out of the ring, you are out of the game. While your opponent is down, you can do a variety of punishing moves such as stomping, belly splashes or try to pin them. Also climbing the top left or right turnbuckle allows you to do some high flying moves on your enemy. Each character has unique special moves, mostly activated at certain points by pressing “R” near them at the right time. For example, if you are the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, you beat your enemy till they stand slumped and tired. Get behind them and press “R” and he applies the “Million Dollar Dream” sleeper hold.
This game I believe is the first to offer a steel chair at ringside. Get your opponent to step out of the ring and nail them with the chair. But do not go past the ten second count out time! Also the game allows a lot of different options to vary up the playability. You can do one on one matches, two man tag, three man tag, pin or submission (where you beat your opponent till they have no energy left), or the Royal Rumble itself.
The Royal Rumble is where you square off against twelve different opponents in one match. Once you toss a guy out of the ring, another takes his place. Finally it comes down to those who survive the longest. If you get tossed out, the match continues and you can watch who wins in the end, if you like. You can also set the computer to play itself in regular matches if you just want to watch that as well.
For wrestling fans, I’d recommend this title. Its got good playability and repeat playability. I think it’s the best wrestling game for the Super Nintendo platform. Skip WWF Super Wrestlemania and get WWF Royal Rumble instead. If not for the nostalgia of 80s-90s wrestlers alone.
GRADE: 4 Yokozuna Splashes out of 5
For more from the author ADAM TALLEY, including a look at his independent comic book work, visit http://www.idiothead.com