Some interesting new footage has hit YouTube that appears to be a special promo for a new MORTAL KOMBAT movie. It’s gritty, it’s violent, and… it’s pretty darn awesome. CHUD is saying this is indeed from a new movie, and goes so far as to note that the fight choreography “comes from the mind of genius fight choreographer Larnell Stovall. He’s the guy who did the fights for the excellent Undisputed 3: Redemption, on DVD and Blu-ray right now.” Certain other sources including LatinoReview are saying Kevin Tancharoen (2009’s FAME) directed this footage. Check it out below, but note, it’s pretty graphic. The footage introduced the always awesome Michael Jai White (BLACK DYNAMITE) as Jackson “Jax” Briggs, Jeri Ryan as Sonya Blade, and gives pretty in depth intros to characters like Baraka (Lateef Crowder from UNDISPUTED 3), Scorpion (Ian Anthony Dale from the upcoming TEKKEN movie), Johnny Cage (martial arts sensation Matt Mullins), and Reptile (unknown actor). The footage reminds me a lot of the first RESIDENT EVIL movie, in terms of tone. It’s definitely going for an “R” rating. Looks pretty cool! Check it out below if you dare, and tell us your thoughts in the comments section.
Source: SlashFilm LatinoReview CHUD
It’s growing on me. A lot of conveniences in the plot though. I don’t like Johnny Cage being “undercover” (HE’S FAMOUS!). I’m still a big fan of the original.
Going undercover doesn’t mean he has to be using a false identity. If you are trying to get someone into an underground fighting tournament, using a former champion martial artist & film superstar who is known to be down on his luck is a pretty damn good way to do it.
As far as the footage itself, Matt Mullins, Lateef Crowder(seen previously in Tony Jaa’s The Protector & also in the upcoming Tekken flick with Ian Anthony Dale), Michael Jai White, & Larnell Stovall are a potent team & I don’t doubt they would make an interesting flick, to say the least. I certainly hope the studio bites & this movie comes to pass. To think, this is the same director who just gave us the Fame remake. Whoda thunk it?
You’re right about that Anthony. Good point. I have high hopes for it. I picture it as another “Ninja Assassin” which I enjoyed for everything but plot. 🙂
He is going undercover because who would expect this super famous guy to be undercover. Makes sense.