This year’s Fantastic Fest featured some great original films this year, but also had a few spectacular documentaries to boot. I was very much looking forward to seeing SCREAM, QUEEN: MY NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, which focused on the second A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET movie, its star Mark Patton, and the critical and fan reception the movie received. I had just had Mark as a guest at Dallas Comic Show in August, and it was great seeing the horror fans come meet him and talk about what that film meant to them. There’s been a lot of discussion about how the second NIGHTMARE film was a not-so-thinly veiled allegory for coming out as gay in the 1980s, even though the writer David Chaskin swears it wasn’t intended to be. The documentary manages to interview pretty much everyone involved in the production, and certainly makes you look at the movie in a new way. Co-directors Roman Chimienti and Tyler Jensen captured some amazing moments with the cast members, and very personal moments with Mark, giving a much more intimate behind the scenes look at horror movie icon. You can see info below on where the documentary will be playing during their fall tour, or click here to see all of the tour dates. If you’re even a casual horror fan, I strongly recommend you check this film out, it’s an amazing experience and very sincere. Big thanks to Andrew Conway for shooting and editing this very fun and insightful interview!
Fantastic Fest 2019 – SCREAM, QUEEN: MY NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET documentary interview
Posted in: Interviews, News
Published: October 10, 2019