The Dennis Liu comic book “Raising Dion” hit the scene about four years ago, and after its release Liu produced a short film that brought the comic to life. That short film caught the eye of actor Michael B. Jordan, who got behind the new Netflix series based on the comic. RAISING DION hits Netflix this Friday, October 4th, and features Jordan along with the lovely Alisha Wainwright and talented Jason Ritter. I had a chance to sit down with Wainwright and Ritter during their Dallas press stop, and we chatted a bit about their work on the series. This is a fun show the whole family can watch and enjoy, and there’s actually some cool twists you may not see coming – don’t let anyone spoil it for you! Our interview below is safe though, and we get a little insight about how they approached their work on the series. Check it out, and look for the series this weekend.
Born and raised in Dallas, Mark has been a movie critic since 1994, with reviews featured in print, radio and National TV. In 2001 he started the Entertainment section of the Herorealm website, where he contributed film reviews and celebrity interviews until 2004. After three years of service there, he started, which has become one of the Dallas film community's leading information websites. Bigfanboy hosts several movie screenings in the Texas area, and works closely with film and TV studios and promotional partners to host exciting events and contests. The site also features a variety of rare celebrity and filmmaker interviews, and regularly covers the film festival circuit as well. In addition to Hollywood reporting, Mark has worked for many years as an advertising and sci-fi/comic book artist. Clients have included Lucasfilm Ltd., Topps Trading Cards, The Dallas Mavericks and The Dallas Stars. From 2002 until 2015 he managed the Dallas Comic Con, Sci-Fi Expo and Fan Days events in the DFW area. He currently catalogs rare comic books and movie memorabilia for Heritage Auctions, and runs the Dallas Comic Show conventions, but remains an avid moviegoer and cinema buff.
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