When it comes to household names in Hollywood, it doesn’t get much bigger or recognizable than John Travolta. In his new movie THE FANATIC he plays a celebrity-obsessed fan named “Moose”, who takes his fascination with a film star just a little too far. This production might be classified as a Horror Movie, but it’s actually quite relevant and topical in our current celebrity-obsessed society, and could be seen as a cautionary tale from both sides of the fence. It’s also one of Travolta’s most interesting roles to date, a socially awkward simpleton who can’t escape his childlike mentality, and is sadly bullied to the point of eventually breaking. I had a chance to sit down with John and chat about his role in the film, and how he personally deals with overzealous fans. This is the second time I’ve had the pleasure to talking to Mr. Travolta, and I can honestly say he’s still to this day one of the nicest and most generous actors I’ve ever encountered. This is a smaller film without huge ad dollars behind it, so he has gone out of his way to spread the word in a commendable grass roots campaign, and if you’ve read my review you’ll know that (from my perspective at least) this is a well made and socially relevant film, definitely worth a look. Check out our interview below and look for the movie in select theaters this weekend.
John Travolta interview for THE FANATIC – on playing “Moose”, the balance of fandom & celebrity
Posted in: Interviews, News
Published: August 29, 2019