Retro Review ‘THE WRESTLER’ Starring Mickey Rourke



What a damn great film. Woops.. ahead of myself…

Growing up the 80’s, I delved a bit into the world of Pro Wrestling. From Wrestlemania 3-7, I was a hardcore wrestling fan. Fake or not, who gave a hoot. I loved it. I idolized some of them. Macho Man, Hulk Hogan, etc. I even went to a live event once and there was something about being there live, watching the sport (I mean, theater) of wrestling. Cheers, jeers, etc. But then the curtain comes down, reality sets in, and heroes become men. Simple men.

Over the past few years, I’ve had the privilege to be a guest at comic conventions and media cons. While there, I’ve gotten to see some of my former heroes from the 80’s. Some look great, others limp to their table, battered by the years of hard labor on their bodies. There’s no retirement plan for a former rock star. You just had to get what you gave. And sometimes, it still wasn’t enough.

The RAM lives in that world and his private life is falling apart. Alone, broke, broken. I know people like this. And yes, it is sad. But there is a spirit that resides within that makes you stand up against stupidity and go for it anyway. Even though you know you walk into certain failure, even death, you still stand tall and walk on.

There’s a scene in the film where The RAM sets up a signing table in a run down looking building. He’s barely got traffic in the way of fans coming by to show support. He looks around and notices those around him who seem to be worse off than he is. He scrounges for pennies from the fans that do come to see him. This is his life. There are hardly any words in this scene, but it is all in Mickey Rourke’s face. Its one thing to live the life of a has-been, but it takes a bigger man to stand up while doing it. And that is what this film is all about.

This film is well shot, well scripted, directed and paced. But what shines is the acting. Mickey Rourke. Wow. The real deal. Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood… everyone. They do one hell of a job. I found myself laughing, smiling and tearing up all at once in many spots. You want to see an Oscar winner get naked? Great googilly moogilly does Marissa Tomei show her body in this! Be warned kids, there is tons of nudity. But more importantly, there is lots of little laughing moments. Not played for laughs but just there.

I think some may feel some disappointment of the ending. At first I kind of did as well. But the more I thought about it, I think it does fit better than the typical Hollywood ending. I really enjoyed the hell out of this film. Its a modern day ROCKY, with nudity, reflections of real life and its extremely well done.

GRADE: 5 Atomic Drops out of 5

For more from the author ADAM TALLEY, including a look at his independent comic book work, visit

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About the Author

Raised primarily in central Michigan all his life, Adam is a successful writer, artist and self publisher. He is best known for his comics: PLEASANT LIFE, THE EXPENDABLES, WISE INTELLIGENCE and the upcoming ANNA POCOLYPSE. He also wrote a free online how to book called "IN THE TRENCHES: HOW TO SURVIVE AS A SMALL PRESS COMIC BOOK PUBLISHER." He also has done some pinup work for ANTARCTIC PRESS and logo designs for many other clients. He has been featured on web sites, newspapers, television and magazines talking about his work and travels around the country promoting it. He resides in Southwest Michigan.