Retro Reviews ‘RELIGULOUS’ Starring Bill Maher


RELIGULOUS (2008) Dir. Larry Charles

I have been meaning to pick this up and watch it for a while. Before I start, let me say that I am not into Bill Maher really. Not that I don’t like him, I just don’t know much about him or his show, other than he’s highly opinionated and loves a good debate. So comes this documentary on religion, directed by Seinfeld/Curb alum Larry Charles. I couldn’t wait to dig in.

I have to say for the most part it was entertaining, especially when he was talking to what I would call “nut jobs” associated with the subject of religion in general. However, I felt that it lacked a sort of middle ground, as if he really didn’t want to hear anything than other what he believes to be true. For example, when a person was saying one thing, he would already be shaking his head and trying to interject. And even in some parts when he does allow people to speak their piece, there’s facts to debunk what they say across the screen. So it is definitely built to lean one way to a certain extent.

However, there are great points where he corners some people with logic. Those are the best parts. Also, he does spend a lot of time describing particular origins of religions and even in the spots where supposedly, historically, certain events happened. That stuff was great.

Overall, it is interesting and worth a watch. But it really doesn’t dissuade you if you’ve already made up your mind about religion and faith. It’s like two butting rams that really aren’t going to agree. And in many cases, will just stand to agree to disagree. You cannot convince Mr. Maher otherwise. Is it pushed to his agenda? Not really. Just he is. I would have preferred a journalistic, middle of the road approach and let the audience make their own judgments. But it is a well shot, well directed documentary. I enjoyed the deleted scenes as well. They should’ve stayed in.

Grade: 3.5 bibles out of 5

For more from the author ADAM TALLEY, including a look at his independent comic book work, visit

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About the Author

Raised primarily in central Michigan all his life, Adam is a successful writer, artist and self publisher. He is best known for his comics: PLEASANT LIFE, THE EXPENDABLES, WISE INTELLIGENCE and the upcoming ANNA POCOLYPSE. He also wrote a free online how to book called "IN THE TRENCHES: HOW TO SURVIVE AS A SMALL PRESS COMIC BOOK PUBLISHER." He also has done some pinup work for ANTARCTIC PRESS and logo designs for many other clients. He has been featured on web sites, newspapers, television and magazines talking about his work and travels around the country promoting it. He resides in Southwest Michigan.