Retro Review: ‘Be Kind Rewind’ Starring Jack Black and Mos Def

BE KIND REWIND (2007) Dir. Michael Gondry

It seems people I talk to either really love this movie or hate it. I wouldn’t say I loved it, but I didn’t hate it either. I guess it just didn’t reach me at all, because I felt nothing while watching it. I was actually looking forward to seeing this. I mean you have Jack Black and Mos Def, who impressed me highly in HITCHIKERS GUIDE. But sad to say, I felt that this film was a complete let down.

A convoluted plot, threads tangled, no clarity and no funny… I’d say this film has no memorable or great qualities. The only thing that can be comical is the guys’ reproductions of familiar movies they tape their own versions of, but sadly beyond that, there’s not much else.

Michael Gondry, who did a great job with ETERNAL SUNSHINE, really just dropped the ball on this one. It’s chuggy, convoluted and not very clear. While I do like the jazz homages and even some of the heartwarming things toward the end, it really just wasn’t a cohesive comedy nor drama. I gotta say didn’t enjoy the film at all. Mos Def and Jack Black both never get a chance to shine or do anything new or unique. I’m glad I saw their “remake” of Ghostbusters. But I would advice that after that part, turn it off.

Grade: 1 broken VHS tape out of 5

For more from the author ADAM TALLEY, including a look at his independent comic book work, visit

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About the Author

Raised primarily in central Michigan all his life, Adam is a successful writer, artist and self publisher. He is best known for his comics: PLEASANT LIFE, THE EXPENDABLES, WISE INTELLIGENCE and the upcoming ANNA POCOLYPSE. He also wrote a free online how to book called "IN THE TRENCHES: HOW TO SURVIVE AS A SMALL PRESS COMIC BOOK PUBLISHER." He also has done some pinup work for ANTARCTIC PRESS and logo designs for many other clients. He has been featured on web sites, newspapers, television and magazines talking about his work and travels around the country promoting it. He resides in Southwest Michigan.